Sunday, April 25, 2010

Amendment to the "Federal Community Reinvestment Act"; LTE Denver Post

Amendment to the "Federal Community Reinvestment Act";

Qwest has merged and will soon be gone, as will coal jobs and our piece of the space industry, and who knows what else in the future. Rep. Salazar's answer is federal help, green jobs and stimulus funds. McConnell talks a good talk and Scott Tipton, well you but have to look at Colorado's budget deficit for the answers there.
One of the primary issues with a government representative, is that they should themselves become a lobby to bring jobs to Colorado, and i do not mean green jobs dependent on federal, and thereby tax funds, for who knows how long before they become self sufficient and profitable.
My idea for an amendment to the federal community reinvestment act, is to help, not fund, local banks to support or salvage failing businesses by allowing employees find financing to start business recovery. In this way federal funds are not necessary to stimulate a local economy and if a proposal is done right, then any issue that caused the businesses downfall is addressed, and who better to save a business, but the employees who see it slowly diminish from bad management or ownership.
There are many ways this amendment can help a state and nation. I will also suggest that local business leaders look to the foreign markets, find a product that can be produced here in Colorado to compete, and thereby reduce our foreign trade deficit and bring jobs back to Colorado. We do not need to remain dependent on federal funds to bring the unemployment rate down, just use common sense, innovation and business smarts.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Az immigrant legislature

The key to any reasonable immigration reform is to work with Mexico city to build a comprehensive program to eradicate drugs and increase the quality of life that will increase the will for illegal's to remain with their loved ones. Mexico is but a basic middle ground in the war on drugs, the violence that this issue brings to the innocent is but one reason for Mexican nationals to flee in the hopes of a better life. Mexico city spends untold funds, theirs and ours, on fighting the drug war and i fail to see where a quality of life for Mexican nationals can be addressed if no funds are available.

Corruption not withstanding, if we work with Mexico to eliminate that countries standing as a middle ground, then one less issue is a cause for illegal immigration. Secure our borders to slow the flow, develop a better drug eradication program and help Mexico free up funds for social projects and commercial development, then illegal immigration will become tenable enough to work on better immigration laws. The United States is an empathic nation, a compassionate nation and a charitable nation, but there comes a time where we must look at developing a plan that will have a chance of working. No other program has worked to date.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Durango Health comments

In this article, it is evident that many are trying to address the health care issue from a standpoint that we must accept certain condition's that are layed down in health care itself, then instead of working together to find an acceptable solution, we turn to party infighting and distort the reason we are protesting the actions of the current administration.

The health care issue must be addressed in a different way, and we must do so in an intelligent manner that will not side track our communities with party infighting. It is my belief that we need to look at health care from a stand point that ignores what is legislature now, and this can only be done by starting at the bottom, with nothing and ask ourselves, what would satisfy a parent in preventing health issue's within our families.

I suggest that every community work together in addressing health care from a preventive nature. What would be an acceptable program for preventive medicine and develop the program, then address the cost, an example; One of my sons friend died from an undiagnosed heart defect, he was active in sports and had a sport physical every year, but never made it to the hospital. I wrote the American Heart assoc. and asked them questions and made suggestion's, they replied that we could do more to find defects that are not visible with the current standards. Several actions that we could take, are to add an EKG and vital organ sonogram to look for defects, the cost could be minimized by forming a volunteer network of doctors and nurses that will go to the schools and do the physicals in volume to offset the increased cost of doing the physicals at a walk in clinic.

This action could also be done as a standard physical for normal child check ups at least three times in a child development to adulthood. There are other options we can consider if we turn from the anger we have for government, develop acceptable programs and organize them as proposed legislature, then present them in a way that if our representatives say no, they can expect to be replaced in the next election.

I hope to be such a person that will place our work before Congress and push to adopt law's that Colorado and America can trust to serve our interest's, and in the best tradition of the Constitution. Please consider my campaign and trust that i will work for you.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

County unveils stimulus plan
By Mike Wiggins
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mesa County is considering entering into a financing agreement that would allow it to sink $17.5 million into a variety of fast-tracked capital projects.
County commissioners are expected to decide Monday whether to approve the agreement, which would provide money up front for new facilities, building improvements and new trails.
The county had planned to pay for most of those projects with money from its capital fund. Should commissioners authorize the financing agreement, the county would use the freed-up capital funds, totaling about $12 million, for two road-widening projects.

I believe that in an election year, that a candidate should show his or her capabilitie’s in working with communities’, not waste time by researching past legislation and failed action’s of their opponents. It is in this respect that i must advise on this article and present alternate options to allow the public to consider the best course and work together to make it happen.

The plan, as read in this article, has several flaw’s. I have to ask the GJ. community to consider the tax rate before the lease on the county jail was sold in this manner, and what was the tax rate after all was said and done, in addition, what was the cost in total of the counties’ annual budget to expand on employee’s and resources to serve the program. The bond plan is OK, but as they are tax free and designed to pay interest to bond holders, these funds must come from somewhere and as none of the plan’s actions are seen to generate a profit, then eventually the taxpayer must foot the bill in the end. This is not to say that we should tax the bond’s, just an example of what the taxpayer is in for, including the, what looks like, 10% interest charge from Wells Fargo to finance the program.

One of my plan’s if elected, is to amend the federal community re-investment act, the plan from the county listed here would be a great test for my proposed plan, in that instead of financing public works and putting up public property to do so, they should place the money in the general fund into an interest bearing trust, then look for failing industries that could be financed through the employee’s, or find why they are failing and apply a program to ensure their profitability.

In another venue, a coalition of business person’s could research the foreign trade market, then decide on a product that could be produced in Grand Junction and begin a program to weed America off foreign trade dependency.

America and local government’s must look to other possibility’s for economic answers instead of public services that are sure to place a larger burden on the taxpayers, please consider this program instead of public works.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Article Discussion: Developers hold up Colorado bill on affo
by Hargis4Congress on Today, 10:19 am

Tough issue, developers have rights but they often forget about the American's that labor in the industries that cater to the elite, without them, there is no labor for local industry's. I think those in government with compassion and strong empathy have to look at the fact that if developers have a strict mindset to make top dollar and no concern for the low income laborer, then someone must step in and force an issue to where the working American does not have to travel a long distance to work, or pay so much that they cannot afford many of the basics that we need, which should include the ability to save for their children's future.

In essence, every time we place a hardship on working America, we force them to rely on social programs to make ends meet, so the common sense answer, is to build affordable housing, or set aside property for an apartment complex that will not use up too much of a developers property. American's are struggling for good job's and they will travel anywhere to find work, but we cannot continue to force them to accept excessive financial hardships to serve more fortunate individuals, there must be common ground between those that have, and those that are trying to do the right thing and work instead of becoming dependant on tax dollars to survive.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Denver Post comments

Article Discussion: Colorado Senators reject school bus seat-belt req
by Hargis4Congress on Today, 12:00 pm

Apparently these un-learned representative's have never watched Tru TV, after they installed camera's in school busses there are several video's a year shown of children flying within a school bus that was in an accident, or just going over a bad pot hole, and i must include the recent accident in Kentucky between a school bus and a semi rig. 11 people killed.

Our children are our future and most precious commodity, and to the democrats, the holders of your forced debt. It is sheer ignorance to ignore the safety of our future generations, the cost could be reduced by buying the seatbelts in bulk and having the county shops install them, that is what they are on the state payroll for.

Article Discussion: For Colorado casketmaker, green is the w
by Hargis4Congress on Today, 11:38 am

Good idea's and innovation of what many consider a blight to Colorado's scenery is what will allow Colorado to recover from our recession and lead America by example.

I also ask that every product sold, will compel these enterprisers to plant a new tree in its place. Good Luck !!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Obama administration to order lenders to cut mortgage payments for jobless

Obama administration to order lenders to cut mortgage payments for joblessThe Obama administration plans to overhaul how it's tackling the foreclosure crisis, in part by requiring lenders to temporarily slash or eliminate monthly mortgage payments for many borrowers who are unemployed, senior officials said Thursday. - By Renae Merle and dina elboghdady of the washingto post.

It is foolish for Obama to think of acting in this manner without dealing with the job and outsourcing problem, i can understand helping the foreclosure victims, if they have children, but we need to address the unemployment issue before hand or at the same time and in the same executive order. Unless this is an attempt to incite more attacks on democratic offices in order to enact martial law and Obama intends to dictate socialism in America, something ain't right here